I had a bad start for 2009 or rather a bad ending for the year of rat.
Feeling suay nowadays, or rather...blur and careless.
1st, I lost my ezlink card. The one which I pasted ling's lil mermaid for me! argh!
2nd, I lost my SONY recorder. I dare not tell my aunty about it. If I honestly admit, I'll drop to hell immediately. It's at least a few hundreds bucks and I just used it for a few weeks. And! I've yet to transfer the recordings into my laptop. Now I can understand the pain of Yixin's losing her one week old handphone!!!!
3rd, I made loads of mistakes at work today! Not that I'd agitated any customers and got a complain from them, but I made my colleague's life difficult. haiz~ First, I forget to return a customer's credit card after payment. Next, I void a transaction instead of the item purchase. Apparently, I'm not suppose to coz HQ will question about the void transaction. Next, I scan the wrong colour bar code. I thought the colour is not important so I just anyhow scan. Well, actually I will messed up the inventory. So, my colleague void the entire transaction again and re-key. ARGH! I made him printed a long long list of receipt and redo the sales record. haiz~ I'm doing some cashering job to ease my colleague's workload, but I just added more!
I've no idea why I made so many blunders! Ying said I'm not in the mood to work coz I'm too upset with myself losing the recorder. But I don't really feel that sad. haiz...but not sure if I'm really not that sad. My ah yee said I'm always so blur.....'diao er lang tang'.....Haiz~
I just feel really upset.
ps: I just thought of an opportunity that I'd lost in the past. Sort of regretted it! Hope everyone will seize each and every opportuniy in front of u. haiz~ I shall not mention what it is coz I don't wish to remind myself of that lost again~
That's all folks! Have an enjoyable CNY! Gong Xi Fa Cai
ends at 12:30 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009Y
German Language School Advertisement
The importance of English!
Hope this will inspire everyone to speak good english, not singlish! haahhaa!
To the chocolate lovers out there! A very interesting advertisement to share. Sit back and relax. ps: This is what I'd reap after 6 hours of lecture today.
Here an excerpt of a part of conversation between me and Ying.
Title: Little Nonya...Why like that??
[wAnYiNg][????] says: lil nonya is so stupid lah... Ag is a workaholic says: very busy!! Ag is a workaholic says: ya lah Ag is a workaholic says: waste time Ag is a workaholic says: it said.......yue niang n chen xi chong feng pian Ag is a workaholic says: got chong feng meh? [wAnYiNg][????] says: i told my mother my version of their chong feng... my mother say my version better. Ag is a workaholic says: what version Ag is a workaholic says: i tot will be like nu ren bu yi zuo Ag is a workaholic says: got 2 ending Ag is a workaholic says: one expected......one unexpected [wAnYiNg][????] says: if chong feng of cos will be in future... Ag is a workaholic says: true [wAnYiNg][????] says: they can like accidentally meet at the paranakan museum mah... dun need to do anything... can just smile at each other then end liao.. like that also more shuang right... Ag is a workaholic says: oh Ag is a workaholic says: yup Ag is a workaholic says: like that really more shuang Ag is a workaholic says: when they're old [wAnYiNg][????] says: yea lor... [wAnYiNg][????] says: just now that one.. they might as well dun show lor... [wAnYiNg][????] says: dot Ag is a workaholic says: yah Ag is a workaholic says: i was saying Ag is a workaholic says: initially my aunty grumble............say why this ending is the same as before Ag is a workaholic says: the railway scene Ag is a workaholic says: then i said.......be patient..........wait Ag is a workaholic says: then later give that ending Ag is a workaholic says: i nearly throw my shoe [wAnYiNg][????] Haven't seen some of my friends for a long time... says: Ya.. NV!!!! Ag is a workaholic says: but i'm not wearing shoe [wAnYiNg][????] says: what the. [wAnYiNg][????] says: Haha! Ag is a workaholic says: better don't show...waste my 5mins [wAnYiNg][????] says: exactly.. immediately i ask my sis to change back to 56 [wAnYiNg][????] says: haha [wAnYiNg][????] says: then i tell my mother.. must go complain again..
I bet many agreed with us too! Very angry with the ending! If they don't show that 5 mins, I'll be more pleased.
ends at 12:17 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009Y
2009 New Year Resolution
My outdated 2009 New Year Resolution!!!
1) Manage my moolah well! If you happen to see me spending on unnessary stuff, pls stop me!!!
2) Manage my time well! I hope to put in 100% in studies and hopefully my grades will improve. I wanna earn lots of money too! hahaha! But that's unlikely to happen. I wanna strike a good balance between studies and work!
3) Keep my room neat and tidy To have a good studying condition, of coz I've got to keep my room clean.
That's all. Don't wanna make too many resolution coz I wanna keep in mind these 3 simple target and fulfill them!
I hope everyone has a good start for 2009! Take care! Awaiting CNY.
ends at 12:50 PM
Friday, January 09, 2009Y
Spring Cleaning
I wonder if everyone has set aside a day to do Spring Cleaning???
For me, I've decided to do Spring Cleaning of my room tomorrow! Do take note, please do not date me! As I am likely to reject you. hahaha!!! Oppss~~~ actually till now, no one has ask me out. haha!! Since my last day of exam, the aftermath hasn't been cleared. Very untidy!! I just stuff everything to one corner so that I've place to sleep and put my laptop. hahaha! So tmr...everything will be back in position, every cobwebs cleared and every dust sweeped! =)
I wondered if anyone remembered a question I asked. I asked....if Sylvia speak fluent english? Hm... I'm not sure about that. But before I can confirm if I do speak fluent english, I realised my Chines has deteriorated. After Call 1, my colleague said 'Wow, your Chinese CMI!!' I immedietely denied and said I've got an A for my Chinese!! But, right after Call 2, I self declared that my Chinese is indeed very lousy! ARGH!!! I actually spoke broken Chinese!! I commented that and my another colleague agreed by saying I speak better in English. She thought I converse in English most of the time. I'm no 'ka-tang'!! What to do now? Can't speak Eng well and now my chinese is so bad!
Looking back, the reason I asked if I speak fluent english is because... my aunty always correct me and asked if I speak that bad at work. I don't quite agree and we deduced that probably I feel stress talking to her coz she always correct me!! hahaha!!
OKay! that's all folks! I'm going to watch tv liao!
ends at 10:59 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009Y
Pimple Popping!
A 'volcano' erupted on my face yesterday! And it's super duper painful!!!
Wanna post of pic of the eruption intially, however, after second thought, I think I shan't spoil all of my readers' appetite!! It's so gross!!
Chinese New Year is coming up! I hope everyone will take care of your health! Don't fall sick, if not you can't savour the delicious goodies which only comes once a year! Take care of your beauty! Sleep early and well! Drink lots of water! Who wanna let your long time no see relative see the most ugliest side of yours?!?!?!? OF coz, your need some strength to do some home visiting!
Btw, Yesterday I passed by a VERY FAMOUS bak kwa store in Chinatown! I saw that they've lots of bak kwa and lots of staff. They've also prepare many poles outside to form the queue. HOWEVER, the poles are not lined up, they're all push to a corner. The staff were happily chatting and lots of bak kwa on the shelves! Where does the queue went to? I bet recession has kept them at home. This is really so sad coz it's 2 weeks to CNY, yet there's no queue at the bak kwa store. I hope everyone will have a Happy Chinese New Year this year!
That's all folks!! Seeya~
ends at 11:55 AM
Sunday, January 04, 2009Y
Baking Session 2
3 Jan was Baking Session 2!!
Another succesful baking attempt!
We'd made... 1) Crispy Pirated Famous Amos Cookies aka Biggie Cookie(according to the recipe) 2) Japanese Cheese Cake 3) Rich Chocolate Brownie
Cookies and Cheese Cake are very sucessful. My mother loves the Cheese Cake so much that she requested me to bake during CNY. For cookie turned out well. I was not satisfied with the result of the cookies I'd made by myself at home. Something is just not right. However, today's cookie was lifted up to the expectation. Btw, I prepared the mixture today! Why the cookies will turn out well in the presence of the girls, but not when I'm alone? However, the brownie tasted a lil dry and bitter. Something went wrong somehow.
Hui Ting (aka Stop) shared a very special dream with us! She dreamt that we(s13 gals) open a confectionary shop. Sophia is in charge of baking and daily processes of our shop. Ting is the food chemist who ensure the amount of each ingredient is correct. Ting make sure the fat content and sugar content are within the acceptable range. For me, I market our products! FYI, Sophia major HR & Finance, Ting major Biochem Engineering and I major Marketing. All our role suit the course we're studying now. I've a suggestion...Audrey can be the Chef of our shop coz she can cook and bake very well! She's studying Maritine Engineering...so a lil no link to our business. Yun, who's studying Chemistry, can join Ting to take charge of our recipe. Ellyn, who's studying Architecture, can design our shop and maybe design our cake box and stuff. WOW! Each has our own significant role for our imaginary shop. Probably one day, we can realise this dream together!!!!!!! Will it happen? Probably we'll have to bake more to practise.
Pics will be up soon! After yun upload it to facebook. hahaha!
Somehow, my back is feeling a lil painful. Not sure if I sprain my back or I accidentally knocked into some hard object(no recollection of any such incident).
Wanna blog more but I'm feeling tired already!!! I've yet to share my fun and joyous Christmas Day, MCO Concert and New Year Day. Tata!!