Hi peepz! I ton yesterday! what an achievement when most of the people know I sleep rather early as compared to the 'owls'. hahaha! I was studying at bedok mac with yushi. Hm...completed 1 chapter of biz law. hahaha! yeah...for the whole night. But I did some detailed reading and made notes. There were instances when I read the case repeatedly because given that state of mind, I can't really understand the case sometimes. England became more powderful when you're tired. Although I felt really tired, I didn't nap at all. hahaha! I think yushi abit cannot make it. hahaha! But really got to thank her for her company! hee! Initially wanna wait for ying to join us for breakfast, but....haha! breakfast cancel! guess no explanation is required for the cancellation. =)
Well, I was surfing for information on cakes! hee!

Chocz: Chocolate Mousse
Cedele: Chocolate Pistachio
That's all for the pics. There're some choices I have in mind too...
Sounds very chocolate-ty right? No pic though. Cedele cake is worth trying because the author of the blog 'she cooks and she bakes' recommended cedele cake once. When I was working at suntec, I tried cedele cake once and it was delicious. But I can't remember the name of the cake. I was rather concerned with the size also. Can't finished such a big cake with so little people. hahaha!
I wanted very much to buy this but I'm getting 2 cakes so I need to look for alternatives.
Does anyone has any suggestions on chocolate cake? Preferably the cake has the size of about 500g.
Hm...I wanted my friends to enjoy a fondue feast as well. I wonder if they'll be toxic by the loads of chocolate food? haha!
That's all folks! Gtg. I've yet to start revision proper today.