Stardust! Wow! Ying and me sat at the first row of the cinema yesterday. It's all worth it. The movie is simply enchanting.
Well, the movie talks about a few very realistic issues that are close to our hearts.
Immortality. It's something many people seek in fictional stories. No matter is it a story from the east or the west, there'll definitely be bloodshed in the quest to achieve immortality.
Youth. You can clear see how people went all out to achieve everlasting beauty. It's a reflection of how plastic surgery got so popular in today's world.
Fame and wealth. The 7 Prince in the show fought against one another to be the successor of their father(king). Fought means they eliminate their competitiors to bring themselves a step closer each time. And! Eliminate means they kill one another. How cruel~ Doesn't this resemble the scenes where siblings fight over their parents' assets?
Love. It's amazing to see a couple who hated each other at first sight fall in love in the end. A quote by Yvaine: "I can't shine with a broken heart".
Yahoo! gives Stardust 4 out of 5 stars. well, for me, I rate it 4.5 out of 5 stars! It's really a nice show! U gotta catch it. A piece of advice: Buy your tix early!!!
That's all folks! Have a great day ahead~