I've completed my marketing project! Hooray!!
Last week was really tiring... staying in school till late. For a project meant to be completed by 6 people, the quartet did it and we're pretty proud of the work! Well, actually we've a fifth member. Somehow....the quartet worked hard! Anyway, I gained alot through the project.
1) Importance of english!!
2) Team work!
3) Importance of IT- Skills/products/programme
Anyway, I found out that they were not pleased with me in the beginning.... but after that I managed to complete my work nicely, so they kept quiet. Wow! What a discovery! Anyway, it's nice to work with people who are very enthu! I enjoyed the whole process very much and I guess last week brought the 4 of us closer.
Haiz~ Yesterday wanna blog alot! But the stupid keyboard suddenly cannot use! Argh! Plus I can't continue to chat with horng! If you not that IT-savvy, don't choose cordless keyboard! Coz they like to go bonker and you can't use liao!
Hm...feel like getting a laptop...but i need to think carefully... money is hard to earn!
Working is getting more fun now! I was really busy last sat and not just stare blankly, waiting for time to pass. I feel so happy!
My home gonna get a new look soon! My mother wants to paint the house. I want my room to be lailac! hahaha!
Btw, I like the song 'Home' by michael buble...go check it out!
That's all folks!